Reaching out and delivering impact
from Saudi Arabia and beyond

Proudly Saudi

CALX is a boutique Saudi consulting firm, based on decades of collective experience and expertise.

Combining international best practices with local values, to create a fusion of Saudi excellence.

CALX aims to contribute to society by transferring knowledge and incubating talent, towards building a better tomorrow.

CALX Consulting

CALX Intro Image

Rich heritage and history

Kingdom futures

Fusion of Saudi excellence

“Saudi Arabia is a country with a rich heritage and history, and this is reflected in CALX. We combine our cultural values with the latest advances of technology and knowledge to build a better tomorrow for all”
Issam Houdane President and CEO - CALX

rich heritage and history
a better tomorrow for all
Meet Our People

CALX takes pride in showcasing our talented people, whose hard work and passion exemplify the values
of the Kingdom, the future pioneers of consultancy.

CALX Image

Incubating local talent

Cultural values

Local knowledge